Recently, I've delved back into the world of video games. While I was living in Vancouver, I purchased a Switch which was a game changer (haha). I immediately downloaded Animal Crossing and Pokemon Sword, because I'm basic and I like to have fun. But then I also got into the final fantasies for nostalgia purposes. I had never played FF12 and it seemed like a good one so I eventually made it to the magical world of Ivalice to distract me from this mundane plane of existence.
As I was jauntily exploring one dungeon or the other, I became stuck and decided to seek advice. I've always been the kind of person who checks the internet for strategy guides, tips and tricks, insider info. I just like to be informed and the anxiety of missing out on the best weapons and items always led me to avail the internet for its hidden knowledge. I think it has to do with my need for control and assurance that I'm doing the right thing. If x, then y. That type of thing.
So, I was reading this strategy guide and it was filled with the usual directives BUT the phrase "'you will be attacked by zombies' but don't worry" stuck with me. How nice to be told in advance that you'll have to deal with the undead horde. Things that are actively trying to harm you. All you have to do is follow this advice and the threat will be eliminated and you can go back to doing whatever it is you were trying to do.
It'd be nice to have a guide out here.
It'd be nice to have a guide out here.
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