Thursday, May 18, 2023

Critical Beings Podcast

Critical Sports Science: a conversation between Dr. Gian Hernandez and Prof. Dr. Mario Maas

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus arcu ligula, tempor condimentum interdum may this grant proposal be successful eget, scelerisque eget ipsum. Aliquam lobortis sem id sodales rutrum. Sed elit neque, iaculis at tortor eu, pharetra lacinia est. Morbi varius velit at tellus pretium feugiat. Aenean nec feugiat magna. Donec facilisis leo nulla, ut eleifend est aliquam in. Vivamus ornare eros vulputate malesuada suscipit. Aenean egestas aliquet lectus aliquet ornare. Duis eget fermentum ante. Aenean ultrices urna leo,  vel malesuada eros malesuada eu. Vestibulum cursus tincidunt nibh eget blandit. Quisque ipsum nunc, sollicitudin et magna et, vulputate hendrerit neque. Aliquam ut sapien nec nibh porttitor viverra et sit amet ligula. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Curabitur enim enim, ornare non pellentesque vel, eleifend in nunc.

Maecenas cursus leo ut nisl egestas mollis. Cras placerat pulvinar nisl, sit amet imperdiet erat lacinia et. Sed nunc lacus, pretium id vestibulum et, fermentum eu erat. Duis ac fermentum risus. Nulla in ex at augue semper aliquam sed nec mi. Aliquam felis nisl, scelerisque in aliquet eget, mattis vel lectus. Maecenas ultricies lacinia eros nec luctus. Sed ornare auctor posuere. Pellentesque nunc nisl, bibendum vel erat quis, finibus fermentum magna. Duis vel sollicitudin est. Etiam rutrum odio nec ultrices fermentum. Praesent at libero aliquam purus suscipit finibus. Duis vulputate turpis orci, et malesuada justo pellentesque egestas.

Suspendisse sed gravida neque. Phasellus vel egestas dolor, id convallis mauris. Etiam in volutpat nunc, non pretium urna. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Mauris molestie nulla risus, quis porta tortor pharetra quis. Nunc cursus ante ac mauris semper, et sollicitudin mauris elementum. Phasellus gravida id purus in eleifend. Phasellus aliquam gravida magna, a tincidunt metus vulputate non. Curabitur elementum in orci at cursus. Vivamus in felis orci. Mauris vehicula justo vitae quam consectetur ornare.

Donec facilisis commodo tortor eget varius. Proin vel placerat libero. Fusce libero enim, tempor ut tempor ut, ullamcorper sit amet tortor. Phasellus nulla ipsum, posuere et neque vel, semper porttitor odio. In feugiat erat et erat dignissim dictum. Vivamus malesuada risus quis eros iaculis consectetur. Mauris mollis velit sit amet justo fermentum porttitor. Nulla ut interdum nunc. Nulla quis ex a libero hendrerit feugiat. Nullam venenatis gravida mi, accumsan ultrices lectus vestibulum sit amet. Vestibulum id imperdiet libero. Donec pulvinar efficitur nulla non blandit. Vivamus eleifend magna eget bibendum tristique. Suspendisse rutrum vulputate luctus. Cras maximus leo eget pretium pellentesque.

Etiam rutrum justo ante, in dignissim velit lobortis ut. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean erat odio, facilisis vitae fringilla non, aliquet quis sem. Phasellus ullamcorper convallis orci, ut sagittis justo maximus non. Donec id mollis arcu, at ullamcorper ipsum. Mauris ipsum metus, imperdiet nec mi sed, auctor sollicitudin odio. Morbi laoreet nunc non ipsum fringilla lobortis. Phasellus volutpat nisi quis mi pharetra iaculis. Ut tellus diam, tempus et diam eget, porta vehicula est.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Il Molino

 After the last class of the semester yesterday, one of my students asked us "what do you think about the Molino?" 

I responded "Oh, it's great. I like that it's a counter-culture space right in the middle of Lugano." 

The student kind of looked down and said " demolished it Sunday morning at like 2am..." 

Here is what it used to look like

 And here's all that remains

If I can say anything about this town this whole thing is shocking but is not very surprising. Il Molino was an autonomous collective space that was occupied by the kinds of people that I'm certain were looked down upon here in Ticino. Punks, vagrants, squatters. One of the few positive memories I have in this town was when I went to a performance of a piece on Frida Kahlo along with a vegan tamale dinner. Another time I went to a screening of the wonderful film "La Mujer Fantastica" about an Argentinian trans woman. This was the kind of thing that went down at this place: interesting, unique, against the grain. I'm really sad that it's gone and angry that the conservative government here chose to demolish it in the middle of the night, probably to avoid public spectacle. There were folks living there that now have no place to go...

I just hope that the fight still continues

Thursday, May 20, 2021


Watching most of my folks in the US and elsewhere get appointments, first doses, and second doses has me feeling some typa way. It's wild to me how Switzerland, the pharmaceutical capital of the world, is somehow tripping over itself to get enough vaccines to vaccinate a national population smaller than that of New York City. And yet here we are. I also want to recognize that vaccine apartheid is real and the vaccine situation in the Global South makes me furious at the greed and ineptitude of people and structures that uphold such stark inequity. As always, the oroboros of capitalism exists to consume itself as the whole thing will most likely come back to bite the Global North if something isn't done. 

Now, because of who I am as a person, I've taken to maintaining an Excel spreadsheet with all the data relevant for my region. 


It's really telling that a lot of the information is coming from the German part of Switzerland (because most folks here including the ones at the regional newspaper it seems have decided that Covid is over). At the moment it seems as though Moderna is experiencing delivery delays, which is unfortunate because my region decided to rely predominantly on Moderna for its supply. I haven't seen anything in the news or on the websites to indicate that it will pick back up but I'm guessing it has to at some point. It's all very confusing and I'm trying to make sense of it the best I can. But I suppose when it all comes down to it, all I can do is wait. 

I did manage to get an appointment in Zurich. According to the Bundesamt für Gesundheit (Federal Health Office) it is perfectly legal to be vaccinated in another canton. But it would surprise me approximately zero percent if I were to make the trip up there only to have some crusty old white dude be like "no...because, reasons." So we'll see how that goes.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

You will be attacked by zombies

Recently, I've delved back into the world of video games. While I was living in Vancouver, I purchased a Switch which was a game changer (haha). I immediately downloaded Animal Crossing and Pokemon Sword, because I'm basic and I like to have fun. But then I also got into the final fantasies for nostalgia purposes. I had never played FF12  and it seemed like a good one so I eventually made it to the magical world of Ivalice to distract me from this mundane plane of existence.
As I was jauntily exploring one dungeon or the other, I became stuck and decided to seek advice. I've always been the kind of person who checks the internet for strategy guides, tips and tricks, insider info. I just like to be informed and the anxiety of missing out on the best weapons and items always led me to avail the internet for its hidden knowledge. I think it has to do with my need for control and assurance that I'm doing the right thing. If x, then y. That type of thing.
So, I was reading this strategy guide and it was filled with the usual directives BUT the phrase "'you will be attacked by zombies' but don't worry" stuck with me. How nice to be told in advance that you'll have to deal with the undead horde. Things that are actively trying to harm you. All you have to do is follow this advice and the threat will be eliminated and you can go back to doing whatever it is you were trying to do.

It'd be nice to have a guide out here.